John Eddie, Singer/Songwriter


images-12January 2015 in Asbury Park, closing night of the famous Light of Day festival where local musicians (sometimes famous..Bruce S….Southside J…) play for free to contribute to the Foundation which funds the battle against Parkinson disease.

images-13The setting was the Mc Loone’s Bar/restaurant where some of the musicians which played the festival come together to give an acoustic evening for a small audience. There I saw John Eddie for the first time playing his music…and what strucked me immediately was his well-crafted songs, funny and direct, no hidden agendas, story telling about his own life..with all its ups-and-downs…
He has a pleasant, country-ish voice which goes well with his music which embraces country, folk, americana ( think Don Henley )

March 2015 in Los Angeles/Four Seasons Hotel, lying at the pool, beautiful weather and listening to John Eddie’s record “ Same old new me “ ( 2012 ).
Looking through my shades, I saw a guy on the other side of the pool who looked familiar to me….after some research on my Iphone…I was now sure that I saw John Eddie…the same guy I was listening to on my Iphone…!
The next morning in the gym, John was working out like hell ( 1 big hour on the steps ), I was doing the same, at least I tried…But we didn’t make contact…yet.
Breakfast the day after…John was sitting very close to our table..and when he stood up I asked him if he was John Eddie? He acknowleged…and we agreed to set up a meeting later that day to discuss his music.

At 2PM we met in the bar of the hotel and we started to talk about his music and what he was doing these days. More into songwriting for other artists and also writing for TV series. He has done some songs for Kid Rock, and played a couple of times with Springsteen. He went also to the concert of Springsteen a couple days ago, and saw him backstage
Today John ( real name is Comings ) lives in Nashville where he is surrounded by many talented musicians. He still has 3 or 4 albums in his Head…waits for the right time it all out…!

IMG_8846Why didn’t he bring his music to Europe? He played a couple of times in the UK and Ireland but that was it…he just didn’t have the right manager to take care of it….
I told him that Americana music is quite popular in Europe and that he should come out to explore that market..he has the songs…he has the voice…and he has the attitude..
Seems like a good idea Martin! How can we get this show on the road?

Later that day John sent me an E-mail that by coincidence he would be travelling to Amsterdam late April….yeah let’s meet up and let’s see what we can work out together!

Is Europe ready for John Eddie? At least Holland is…!

MVG 19.03.16

  • Date March 23, 2016
  • Tags Spotlight On